
Whose Decision Should It Be?
2011/01/04 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



According to the current regulation, it is prohibited to stop life support machines for patients during the final stage of their diseases, unless it is performed upon their own will.

Now, the Legislative Yuan is deliberating the amendment of the laws, indicating that if the patients are unable to decide for themselves, then the family members will be allowed to step in and make the choice for them.

According to current laws, no one can make the decision to remove life support of a patient unless the patient has signed a consent form.

In fact, the patient has already lost consciousness and cannot make such a decision.

Doctors say that they've seen many cases when family members demand the removal of tubes and let the patient die in less pain.

But it's illegal.

Doctors also find it painful to see patients suffering as medical treatments have proved of little use.

Most people are also inclined to the amendment of the law, allowing family members to decision whether to pull the plug and alleviate the pressure on family and the patient.

Doctors believe the most important thing is not about whether or not to remove the tubes but who to make such a decision.

They assert that the government should promote a new idea, advising people to make a living will to indicate their choice of what medical treatment they want to receive.

Stuck between humanitarian moral impulses and legal obligations, doctors are constantly facing ethical dilemma, and so are the family members.

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關鍵字Whose Decision Should IT Be The current regulation Stop Life Support machines patients
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