
A Season of Hope
2011/01/06 06:00 綜合報導     地區:雲林縣報導



A small elementary school in rural Yunlin recently celebrated the holiday season with a Christmas tree made of PET bottles, each of which contains a note that records the New Year's wish from a student. The headmaster said that the goal of the activity is to enable teachers to better understand the needs of the children, so as to help them fulfill their dreams.

Placed outside the school, this Christmas tree is different than others because it is made from PET bottles,

which are all stuffed with the desires and wishes of young students at Huanan Elementary.

Each bottle has a special wish with some looking forward to middle school, and others thanking their parents, and saying that they want to continue being their children forever.

One child who did not have the care of his mother wanted this as his most desired wish.

The school principal, Chen Ching-chun, said that Huanan Elementary is a remote school district, and there are just 70 students.

Still, the wishes of these students surprised the principal, and through a number of activities, they are able to understand the situation affecting the students and parents.

The principal said that he hoped to provide assistance and encouragement to help all of these children achieve their greatest desire and wish.

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關鍵字A season of Hope elementary school PET bottles celebrated HOLIDAY activity BETTER Dreams Christmas Tree
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