
Enforcing Filial Piety
2011/01/07 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In a bid to ease the plight of those elderly who have been abandoned by their children, a KMT lawmaker has proposed a new bill mandating all adult citizens to support their aging parents. But it soon raised the eyebrows of some legal experts, who question the wisdom of turning a moral obligation into a legal one.

Despite cold weather, 71-year-old Mr. Lin works as a vendor at the park.

His three kids have grown up and started their own families.

Lin says he would not let his children raise him when he is able to make money on his own.

Even if he can't make money anymore and his children abandon him, he would never sue his children for that.

But not many people think like Mr. Lin.

Legislator Lai Shyh-bao has received many petitions from elders, who accused their children of not supporting them.

Therefore, Lai proposed a draft of mandatory parental support, which specifies that children should support their parents in the same living standard of their own.

The law would also deduct money from children's accounts.

As not to conflict the law that was passed last year, where adult children are relieved off duties to support their parents who abandoned them.

The draft also says if children can show evidences that they were abandoned or abused by their parents, the court can relieve their duties of parental support.

However, legal professionals believe that laws cannot solve problems of the family.

The government's effort to improve social welfare system may very well be the best solution to this problem.

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關鍵字Enforcing Filial Piety elderly plight elderly Care Abandoned aging Parents legal Experts obligation
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