
To Cool Down the Housing Market
2011/01/08 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



According to a 2009 research conducted by the Legislative Yuan's Research, Development and Evaluation commission, high urban housing prices have become the first civilian complaints.

The research shows that the ECFA and the increasingly stable cross-strait relations, have attracted an influx of hot money to Taiwan, making the already soaring housing prices even more unaffordable. Experts suggest that disclosing the purchase prices and raising the number of affordable housings should be taken as the measures to tackle the overheated urban housing market.

The Central Bank last week increased interest rates by half a percentage point, in an effort to control rising mortgage rates.

Realtors believe that this action will have little effect, because the 0.125% increase won't affect real estate investors.

The reason is because the interest earned from a quick turnover of homes far exceeds the interest paid.

As a result, the only way to counter market hype is to disclose the inner transactions of the real estate industry.

If the government is able to follow the actual transactions taking place, it be better able to stipulate the tax rates.

A short-term policy would be to make the real estate industry more transparent, but in the long-run there should be an increase in the supply.

Experts say that the primary reason for high mortgage rates is the high customer demand, and as supply is low, mortgage rates naturally increase.

They are also calling for the government to not only increase the number of urban homes, but to scrutinize the cash flow of the real estate industry to see if there are any cases of tax evasions.

As for luxury apartments, the transaction tax that will be included in the income tax will have a more controlling effect on investors.

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關鍵字Legislative Yuan Research Development Evaluation Commission HIGH Urban housing prices first civilian complaints Stable cross-strait Relations ECFA tax rate
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