
Train tickets for Eastern line
2011/01/14 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Taiwan Railways Administration began to accept online and phone book for tickets on the Eastern Line during the upcoming Lunar New Year holidays, starting 6 o'clock this morning. Although the train administration increased the number of servers on the line, hoping to make the booking experience efficient and satisfactory to passengers. Still within one minute the booking system became available, all tickets of the most coveted services were sold out.

At 6 o'clock sharp, Taiwan Railways Administration began to accept online and phone booking request.

Surprisingly, within one minute, tickets were sold out on both channels.

More than 30,000 seats were gone within one minute, setting a new record.

Even if you personally wait in line at the train station, the experience wouldn't be too pleasant.

Tickets for the noon services from Taipei to Taitung on February 1st and 2nd have been sold out, only tickets of less popular hours are left.

The situation is the same if you are trying to buy tickets from Taipei to Hualien.

Tickets of the Taroko services have been sold out too.

One would really need to know someone to get the tickets since scalpers and travel agencies purchased group tickets way ahead. If you are too slow in clicking on webpages, you will have to wait another day or two since luck plays a big part in successfully getting train tickets home for the Lunar New Year Holiday.

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關鍵字line Eastern for tickets Train TAIWAN Railways Administration Eastern line
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