
2011/02/24 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In education news, the Star Program of college admission was originally designed to offer more opportunities for students from community high schools to enter top universities. But some senior high principals now complain that the program may turn out to favor graduates from leading high schools. So what's the problem? Our next story explains.

Taipei Huajiang High School had 21 students enter National Taiwan University through the star student program.

This year, the star student program is being merged with school recommendations with some high schools worried that the threshold for admission is too high for area high schools and those in rural communities.

They believe this change will negatively affect their students.

In the past, the star program along with grades would be the first threshold for students, though after merger with the recommendation system, most schools, especially National Taiwan University, are first using grades as the first step in screening.

Area high school principals worry that this may be biased towards students from well known high schools, as they say the quota from well known schools should be reduced.

However, the Ministry of Education and National Taiwan University said this was impossible. National Taiwan University, stressed that this year, the quota for star students and those recommended were 227 which is 8% growth over last year.

The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology won't even used the entrance exam.

Still, the dentistry program and others have intense competition for entry. The total star and recommended students last year were 2,039 and has greatly increased to 7,600 students but the quota of private universities, was nearly 4,200 roughly accounting for more than half.

Students say that entering a public university is quite hard and have little interest in going to private schools as well.

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關鍵字education star program college Admission opportunities community HIGH SCHOOLS Top universities
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