
2011/03/13 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A group of 24 women in New Taipei City, aged between 50 to 80, have volunteered to prepare and deliver meals for those in need in the community everyday over the past few years. And although the service can be demanding sometimes, these happy volunteers say it's more than worthwhile for them wherever they see the look of satisfaction on the faces of their beneficiaries.

These garlic and carrots are stir-fried with cabbage. Washing vegetables and cutting them are done by volunteers who are these volunteer mothers who work diligently before noon to provide a warm lunch with many abundant vegetables along with the desserts put into this thermal pot.

Today, there is a tomato cauliflower soup which is prepared for delivery. A total of 42 lunch boxes are now ready for delivery with March 8th being International Women's Day.

These volunteers are busy from Monday to Friday.

These mothers in New Taipei City's Linkou Dongnan Community are working diligently to produce hot lunches for the local elderly. A total of 24 volunteer mothers take turns cooking for the elderly. All of these volunteers are elderly women and Ms. Chang is now 76 years old and she has been in the group for 2 years.

She says that the happiest part of her day is when they see these elderly people eating lunch and their hard work feels well worth it. They receive no money for their work as they simply want to help these elderly people.

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關鍵字A group of 24 women IN NEW Taipei City aged 50 TO 80
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