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2011/05/30 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With nearly 400 million tons of water having been brought into reservoirs across Taiwan recently, the Minstry of Economic Affairs has decided to lift the water rationing measures in most areas, while guaranteeing that water supply for rice crops this season won't be affected.

Even so, the MOEA still reminds the public to limit water use, since the current water level is just around 70% of the storage capacity.

This year's rainy season didn't start until mid-May, but the recent rainfall has temporarily relieved the drought across Taiwan.

According to the Water Resources Agency, the rainfall from May 12 to May 26 has brought in a total of 396 million tons of water to 17 reservoirs around Taiwan,

including 130 million tons of water in northern Taiwan, 89 million tons in central Taiwan and 65.5 million tons in southern Taiwan.

Therefore, the MOEA has announced to lift its water rationing measures in 6 municipalities and counties,

including Hsinchu City and County, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City, while Taoyuan County and Linkou District of New Taipei City are still under the restriction of phase one water rationing.

The MOEA estimates that current water levels can provide water for household use and agricultural use untill the end of July, even extending into August.

As the first season crop plantations are about to enter the ripening phase in June, the Shimen and Taoyuan Irrigation Associations have decided to continue the water supply for irrigation from the Shimen reservoir.

However, the second season crop plantation in southern Taiwan will be delayed because the water levels in Tsengwen and Wusanto Reservoirs are 20% of the total storage capacity.

As for the second season crop plantation in Chianan Plain, the Chianan Irrigation Association has decided to delay the water supply to some of the areas for around two weeks.

Even though the drought is temporarily alleviated, the Water Resources Agency stresses that most of the reservoir water levels on average are at only 70% of the storage capacity.

The rainfall didn't really raise the water level in Shimen reservoir, which is currently only at 42% of its storage capacity.

And therefore, water rationing measures may be imposed to areas that rely on Shimen reservoir for water supply.

The MOEA still reminds the public to conserve water to prepare for the coming peak season of water use.

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關鍵字Water rationing measures LIFTED The Minstry of economic Affairs Water resources Agency MOEA Chianan plain
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