2015/08/16 11:56

難民爭搶物資 要希臘助離島

王皓 編譯


好幾十名難民,對著車輛又打又砸,想把車上運送的援助物資早點搶到手,但是僧多粥少,大家很快就為了瓶裝水和衛生紙,打成一團。PAKISTANIMIGRANT,NAJLLEB,SAYING,「This system is not good. Me, I've already stayed here for 7 days. My friend is 20 days stay here. No food, no water, no others, no others. This is a very dangerous situation。」


PAKISTANMIGRANT,MOHAMMEDALI,SAYING,「We have today ignoring [been ignored], and yesterday ignore, ignore. Why we are ignoring?」「Why are we being ignored?」?「We are not human beings. This is, go to camp, in camp there is no electricity, no water and no food. No food - there is two little children in camps and women, and girls and boys. They're not giving us food. Okay, not give food, not give electricity, we just want our papers. Give us papers and we leave this island.」




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