
Post-baccalaureate Internships
2010/08/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



College graduates who wish to obtain an additional bachelors degree now have an opportunity to enter the culinary field. The University of Shih Chien, in partnership with the Wang Steak Group, is now offering a post-baccalaureate program, through which its participants can easily find employment at the company after meeting certain qualifications.

Hands-on learning in the kitchen, such as making and arranging desserts, is a major component of the culinary program at the University of Shih Chien.

In addition to the courses, students will have the opportunity to gain work experience under 19 managers from the Wang Steak Group.

Internship opportunities at its steakhouses are also available for the weekend and during winter vacation, paying from 105 to 135 NT dollars per hour.

The post-baccalaureate course begins this September, accepting a maximum of 60 students who are seeking to obtain an additional degree.

Once students have completed the one-year course and have passed qualifying tests, they will have the option of accepting an offer of employment from the Wang Steak Group.

The group's chairman, Dai Shen-yi, says he is thrilled about cooperating with the school.

Due to the company's demand for at least 2,000 more employees next year, Dai hopes that other schools will also eventually be able to hold similar programs.

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關鍵字college graduates University of Shih Chien Wang steak group
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