
Special Spot for Wedding Photos
2010/09/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



A former warden's residence at the Taichung Prison has been transformed into a tourist attraction. Featuring a combination of Japanese and Taiwanese architectural styles, it has now become one of the hottest sites for newlyweds to pose for wedding pictures.

Striking a pose, this bride and groom look sweet as they pose in front of this century old Japanese-style residence building.

This nostalgic scene is an old residence associated with the Taichung Prison. Many now come here to take wedding pictures.With a century of history, built in the Japanese Meiji to Taisho period, this residence was originally the residence of the warden of Taichung Japanese Criminal Division.

It has brick walls, old trees, Japan old-style architecture and a wide garden and is full of nostalgia.

But because of renovation, it cannot be included for historical preservation. In addition to the warden's residence, inside these barbed wire fences, there are staff quarters and a housing complex.

While beautiful people come here now to visit this site, it was very much different back then.

Now, the Department of Justice is planning in 3 to 4 years to destroy the architecture and the old trees as this area many only be remembered through photos in the future.

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關鍵字Taichung Prison tourist attraction Japanese Taiwanese architectural styles residence building Meiji Taisho period
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