
Sun's Life in Stamps
2010/09/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A philately exhibition on the life of Dr. Sun Yat-sen opened on Friday in Taipei, featuring over 600 stamps collected from around the world that depict the key events of the ROC Founding Father's career.

The 1912 released Dr. Sun Yat Sen memorial stamp was designed by Dr Sun himself and is the first stamp after the founding of the Republic of China.

Another 2 stamp document the birth of the Three Principles of the People.

All the Sun Yat Sen related stamps are collections of many people who spent over 20 years to collect from around the world.

The Exhibition is at the Dr Sun Yat Sen memorial hall, including stamps, postcards and envelopes, all with stories of Dr. sun at different stages of his revolutionary work.

Recently, there has been a few debates on who led the war against the Japanese and won the battle, looking at one of the stamps, which was released in the U.S. in 1942 of the 5th Anniversary of the National army against the Japanese, which is a picture of Sun and Lincoln, with Chiang Kai Shek on the side, making it an important historical document.

All 600 stamps or other items on exhibition told stories of Suns struggle and success stories with the Shin Hai revolution against the Ching dynasty for the founding the Republic of China

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關鍵字philately exhibition Dr. Sun yat-sen stamps collected The ROC Founding Father's career The Japanese won The battle Chiang Kai Shek
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