
Chairman Ma's Vote
2010/09/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



At the KMT Central Standing Committee re-elections, KMT Chairman Ma Ying-Jeou cast his ballot early in the morning at the headquarter. An all-time low of 38 candidates are vying for the 32 available seats, and some within the party are concerned that the low number of candidates will affect the Blue Camp's performance in the year-end municipal elections.

The KMT's Central Standing Committee re-elections were postponed by one week due to Typhoon Fanapi.

KMT Chairman Ma Ying-Jeou was one of the first party members to cast his vote at the KMT's Taipei headquarters on Saturday morning, and spent seven minutes in the voting booth filling out his ballot.

Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-Bin was the next to enter the voting booth, and stopped to exchange greetings with Ma.

While the party's election atmosphere has been clean and free of mud-slinging, an all-time low of 38 candidates registered to run for the 32 seats.

As the Central Standing Committee is responsible for tuning in to the sentiments of voters, stumping for candidates, and other important tasks,

many are concerned that 12 of the outgoing commissioners chose not to run for re-election, and that the lack of interest could have a detrimental effect on the party's performance in the year-end municipal elections.

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關鍵字KMT Central Standing Committee re-elections Chairman MA Ying-jeou year-end Municipal elections Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin
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