
Extending Public Housing
2010/09/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In a bid to relieve the pressure of home ownership, Taipei City government is planning to increase the overall percentage of public housing units, as well as providing 181 additional low-rent apartments near MRT stations next year. However, experts and civil groups still find the new measures inadequate.

Taipei City is the most expensive city in Taiwan to buy a place.

Many fresh graduates simply can't afford to entertain a dream of buying one's place someday.

Since last year, Taipei City began to build youth housing projects using idle schools or through a co-development project with MRT, in the hope to raise the percentage of public housing units from 0.6% to 5%.

There are totally 5,771 units of public rental units available. The City Government estimates to launch another 181 units in next June.

The first MRT public housing units include those near the MRT Hsin-tien Temple stations.

The prices for these units will be 20% cheaper than the market prices.

But local groups and scholars believe the priority is to help the minority, middle to low income families instead of commercializing these housing units.

Scholars say that in Singapore, the percentage of public housing is as high 80% to 90%, so everyone can afford it.

There have been so many new construction projects in Taipei City.

However, most people simply can't afford to buy them.

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關鍵字Extending public housing Taipei City government low-rent MRT Hsin-tien Temple Station
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