
Osteoporosis Crisis
2010/10/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Osteoporosis is no longer a disorder that only the elders experience. Now, many young individuals are suffering from this bone disease as well. A recent survey indicates that people are replacing their daily milk intake with sugar drinks. In addition to the lack of sunlight and exercise, experts say if these bad habits continue, one is likely to get osteoporosis by 40 years old.

After school, junior high students typically go and buy drinks.

And because they are cold and sweet, they rarely put them down. This drink has sugar and tapioca pearl balls and other items.

Milk is rarely seen, and according to a Bureau of Health Promotion survey: junior high school students drinking sugary drinks almost every day of the week reached 22.7%, and only 18.6% ate dairy products, and those that don't eat dairy products was 16.9%.

Human bones increase and grow with age, peaking between 20 to 30 years of age.

After that, bones gradually decrease. Clinical findings show that young people are afraid of the sun, and experience calcium deficiency, and a lack of exercise.

If there is a sign of osteoporosis at 20 with no improvements, by the age of 40, T score would be - 2.5. This means that originally dense bones have become porous. This will increase the opportunity for osteoporosis fractures.

The Bureau of Health Promotion survey found that 7.5% of junior high school students that don't exercise for more than 10 minutes a week.

In particular, 31.1% of girls high school students don't exercise.

Because adolescence is a critical period of bone development, doctors recommend people to eat more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, dried fish and sesame. Also, they encourage everyone to run, play, and climbing stairs, as well as get some sunshine to increase the body's absorption of vitamin D.

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關鍵字osteoporosis crisis Bureau of health Promotion JUNIOR HIGH school students Vitamin D
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