
Immune Disorder Causes Blood Clots
2010/10/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



In health news, a couple of unusual cases of stroke in young females have been reported in Kaohsiung recently, and both patients were found to be victims of a rare form of autoimmune disorder known as APLS. But doctors say the exact cause of such a disease remains a mystery.

30-year-old Ms. Liu and 21-year-old Ms. Huang were admitted to the Koahsiung Medical University Hospital for they both displayed symptoms of a stroke.

Ms. Liu suffered from a retinal embolism which had caused blindness in her right eye. Ms. Huang, who has always been in perfect health, suffered from a stroke that left half of her body paralyzed.

Medical tests revealed that they were both suffering from a rare condition known as antiphospholipid antibody syndrome(APLS).

APLS is a disorder of coagulation that causes blood clots in both veins and arteries, and symptoms include water retention, strokes, and blood in urine.

The condition generally affects young women in their 20s to 30s, and those with immune deficiencies have higher risks of getting the disease.

Even though the researchers have not yet discovered the cause of the condition or why it mainly affects young women, doctors suggest that young women should pay attention to their health and build up thier immune system to prevent such syndrome from happening.

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關鍵字health young females Kaohsiung Medical University hospital autoimmune disorder APLS disease
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