
Controversial Exhibition
2010/10/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



The National Science and Technology Museum of Kaohsiung is currently showing a Tibetan treasures exhibition featuring 130 first-class Chinese cultural artifacts. However, some people find some of the artifacts not really appropriate for all viewers if they are not familiar with Tibetan Buddhism.

The 3-meter tall Tangka painting is breath-taking.

The exhibition featuring 130 Tibetan first-class artifacts in Kaohsiung has attracted many visitors on weekends.

But the statues of yab-yum, a Tibetan term for the sexual union of male and female Buddhas, have been quite controversial for visitors, since the artifacts may be too sexual for children to see.

However, some people believe the religious artifacts are sacred and there's nothing dirty about it.

The museum staff explained that only a few who have studied Buddhism for a long time understand the true meaning behind some statues.

This time, the comprehenesive introduction is to give the public a chance to explore the topic.

But some exhibition goers believe that the museum failed to explain the details and provide guides to the artifacts, so those who do not understand Tibetan Buddhism may have their own interpretation.

They suggest the museum to improve this situation so the rare, educational opportunity would not be lost in misunder

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關鍵字controversial exhibition The national Science and Technology Museum Tibetan Treasures exhibition Chinese Cultural artifacts Tibetan Buddhism
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