
Vips Spend Big During Sales
2010/11/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Following a story we reported yesterday,

the anniversay sale at a department store in Kaohsiung has attracted many big spenders, including a lady who spent half a million NT dollars on cosmetics. Here on CTS, we have more details.

It's the second day of the annual sale and still the whole department store is filled with customers.

Thirty minutes after the department store opened, a lady showed up at the free gift counter to get a free cell phone because her spending has exceeded 500,000 NT dollars.

She is not a luxury consumer but a very smart one.

She launched a group shopping on the internet for cosmetics and has got a nearly 50-percent-off volume discount at the department store.

As the organizer of the group shopping, she gets to keep the cell phone, which costs around 20,000 NT dollars.

Still, she's not the only one who gets a free cell phone at the big sale.

There have been 21 people who have got free cell phones, including another lady who had spent 1 million NT dollars on Japanese cosmetics alone.

Customers who spent over 500,000 NT dollars can also choose to bring the folding bicycle home.

With still a few days left till the big sale ends, the department store will likely to attract more big spenders in Kaohsiung.

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關鍵字Vips spend BIG During sales annual sale cosmetics Shopping
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