
Charges Based on Mileage
2010/11/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau is planning to replace the existing highway toll booths with a new electronic gateway system in two years, which will charge drivers based on the distance traveled on the highway.

The old toll station system's days are numbered.

Starting from 2012, drivers on highways will have to pay toll fees regardless of whether they pass a tollbooth station or not.

The distance drivers spend on the highway will be calculated by this new electronic sensor gateway.

The new electronic gateway system is similar in function to the current ETC system.

A trial gate has already been implemented at the Shizhi toll station.

The contracted company is the one and the same Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Company, which is already conducting trials.

As soon as the gateway system is fully implemented, the traditional tollbooth system will be decommissioned.

Drivers will be charged according to the mileage they spend on the highway, but the National Freeway Bureau is still figuring out how to charge for each kilometer.

Many people who seldom use the freeway are already anticipating the new system.

Currently, the usage of the ETC system has already surpassed the old system by 40% during rush hours.

Vehicles that have installed the ETC sensor currently number in the millions.

To encourage drivers to install the new sensor, the Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Company is pushing forth a promotional deal in which drivers can accumulate points to directly swap out the old ETC sensor for the new sensor.

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關鍵字Mileage on Based Charges The TAIWAN area national Freeway Bureau Highway toll booths
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