
Modern Tech Revives Old Business
2010/12/06 06:00 綜合報導     地區:新竹市報導



More than half a century ago, Hsinchu County used to be the center of production of traditional cosmetic facial powder, an item that later waned in popularity due to stiff competition from foreign brands. Now, with only one shop

This white pressed powder compact was once the bestselling cosmetic item during your grandmother's era.

The package was plain and the product doesn't have much advertisement.

However, the business has developed a strong consumer base.

During the Japanese colonization period, the export business of the products was so good that there were more than 40 stores selling such powder at its heyday.

But since the import of foreign cosmetic products after Taiwan's recovery and the heavy tax imposed, most of the facial powder shops went down and only one store is left.

Thanks to some bloggers' articles, the old product is getting attention from younger generation.

In the past three decades, the established cosmetic maker is gradually transforming itself by developing new products.

Still it insists on the principle of using natural and local ingredients and making facial powder by hand.

So the production volume is limited.

Thanks to word-of-mouth marketing, the beauty secret of grandmother gets a chance to stay in business and carry on its legacy.

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關鍵字modern tech Revives Old BUSINESS traditional cosmetic facial powder Foreign brands
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