
labor Workers Prone to Oral Cancer?
2010/12/20 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



According to a recent survey from a Taichung hospital, more than 30 percent of oral cancer patients are blue-collar workers, with most reported to be in the construction, manufacturing or transportation industry. While most of their jobs require intensive physical strength and long hours, they often do not have healthy living habits, which increase their chance of becoming a victim to this threatening disease.

Labor work is energy-consuming.

To make more money, it's not uncommon to see labor workers over exhaust themselves and keep themselves awake by smoking, drinking or chewing betel nuts.

According to a survey by Taichung Veterans General Hospital on 1027 oral cancer patients, labor workers are most susceptible to the illness.

High-risk groups are those in manufacturing and construction industry.

Life habits, exhaustion and lack of enough sleep are the biggest health risks.

Often when they see signs, they mistake it as oral ulcer and take over-the-counter medicine to alleviate the pain.

But when they notice something is wrong, it is often the terminal stage.

Doctors remind us that once there are wounds, lumps or swallowing problems, one needs to seek immediate medical attention.

Because the recovery rate is as high as 90% if treated early.

The survey also indicates that labor workers who are in a poor economic condition often delay medical treatment, which is another form of burden for the family and the society.

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關鍵字Cancer? oral TO Prone workers labor Taichung hospital Labor
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