
Obsessed with Shopping?
2010/12/22 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Many of us turn on our unstoppable buying mode when it comes to annual sales. Now experts are saying, that those who have a strong urge to purchase something as soon as they lay their eyes on it, may have the so-called "obsessive-compulsive disorder". Now, let's find out how you can save yourself from going on an uncontrollable shopping spree.

When the door is opened, tons of people flood into department store.

During annual sales period, many department stores offer huge discounts to attract consumers.

Some marketing strategies such as giving out coupons or unlimited products really work to many shoppers.

A lot of them can't control their impulse and become obsessive shoppers.

But after they return home, they realize that many of the things they purchased are of little use.

According to psychiatrists, the symptom of being unable to control their desire and behavior is called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

People with such disorder want to own things when they see them.

Doctors suggest them to stay away from annual sales promotion or catalogues and keep a shopping list when they go out.

Or they ask friends or families to keep them company during shopping.

These strategies can minimize the risks of compulsive shopping addiction.

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關鍵字Shopping Obsessed with annual sales Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
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