
Taichung City Mayor Expresses His Goal
2010/12/27 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Taichung City Mayor, Jason Hu, and his executive team have been sworn in this past Saturday, with Hu becoming the first mayor after the merge of Taichung County and Taichung City. Executive Yuan's Yin Qiming presided over the ceremony, with Hu expressing his goal of leading the municipality for the next 4 years.

Jason Hu, the new mayor for Greater Taichung, held up his right hand to be sworn in as the city's mayor.

He said in his speech that Greater Taichung has entered a new era with the merger of Taichung City and County.

Hu said there are many challenges ahead. He hopes the differences between pan blue and green parties can be overcome to help propel Greater Taichung.

Additionally, members of his executive team must be able to quickly assume their roles as it's difficult to merge.

Hu also said Greater Taichung will assume all of the debt left by Taichung County. He hopes that both the central government and academics will understand Greater Taichung more to help build its infrastructure.

Hu said although he felt pressure, he will continue with his job.

He also promised voters he will meet them at the top of Li Shan to watch the sunrise on the first day of the New Year and welcome the future.

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關鍵字Taichung City Mayor Expresses His Goal Taichung City Mayor JASON Hu leading The municipality Yuan's yin Qiming
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