
2011/01/26 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Former vice president Lien Chan's son, Sean Lien finds the conclusion hard to accept, with the prosecutors determining the shooting incident as a case of mistaken identity. In the open statement, he expressed his dissatisfaction over the investigation result, and has called the Special Investigation Division to reopen the case. While attending a public activity on Monday, the younger Lien once again questioned the credibility of the new version of the suspect's testimony.

Sean Lien is for the first time appearing in public at a meeting with TDR fund investment company he founded in Taiwan since he was shot sixty days ago.

After recuperation and regaining his strength, Sean Lien's face appears to be the same, besides the gauze patches on both sides of his head.

After the meeting, Sean Lien discussed with the media the investigative results reached at the Banciao prosecutorial office on the 21st.

The conclusion that the gunman mistook him for the actual target is hard for Sean Lien to accept.

Lien also doesn't buy the gunman's claims that the scuffle with him resulted in the gunman accidentally pulling the gun trigger.

The gunman's previous claims passed the lie detector, and now the question is whether these statements are to be upheld.

After the investigative conclusion, Sean Lien raised ten questions through his attorney, hoping to increase intervention by the special investigative unit.

Sean Lien has expressed dissatisfaction with the current investigation process and the conclusions.

As Sean Lien recovers and has announced his plans to return to work and get his life back on track, he intends to find a more acceptable truth to the matter.

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關鍵字Lien for Result UNSATISFYING AN Former Vice President Lien Chan's Son Sean Lien
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