
2011/02/01 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With everyone set to enjoy the Chinese New Year vacation soon, seats for transportation services are almost all fully booked for passengers going home, with the High Speed Rail only selling reserved tickets during this holiday.

For those who are traveling by cars, the National Freeway Bureau is warning the public about the potential high volume of traffic starting this afternoon.

If you haven't purchased a train ticket, now the only options left are Taiwan High-speed Rail and bus services since almost all the train services are fully booked.

As of last night, 71 additional Taiwan High-speed Rail services for the Lunar New Year holidays are almost full, while there are seats on most regular services.

Services on the day before Lunar New Year's eve, in the morning of Lunar New Year's eve and the second day of the New Year, in the afternoon of 4th and 5th day of the Lunar New Year.

In terms of bus transportation, there are a lot more additional services for passengers.

But the National Freeway Bureau estimates the highway traffic jam would appear in tomorrow afternoon and the lunar New Year's eve.

However, the high volume of traffic can be expected on both the north and southbound directions on the third of the Lunar New Year, and on the northbound direction the next day.

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關鍵字volume HIGH potential Bureau Freeway national The rail speed HIGH The passengers services transportation vacation year NEW Chinese The
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