2017/09/10 15:35

【影】碧昂絲震災出錢又出力 親手"包便當"給災民

【影】碧昂絲震災出錢又出力 親手"包便當"給災民 | 華視新聞

黃益源 報導  / 美國


碧昂絲的媽媽Tina(蒂娜)在IG上PO出影片,只見碧昂絲身穿牛仔外套,和前天團「天命真女」成員密雪兒威廉斯(Michelle Williams )一同包便當餐盒給災民。蒂娜說,碧昂絲掏腰包準備400人份午餐在當地教會分發。而當天晚上,碧昂絲也在教會對災民發表演說,她提到「你們是我的家人,休士頓是我的家,感謝主,你們和你們的孩子都安然無恙,現在最重要的是你們的健康,照顧好你們的孩子和家人。」讓災民都相當感動。(圖片影片來源/mstinalawsonIG)

Wow !! How great was this day ? this is our third stop first we went to St. John's and along with Pastor Rudy . Beyonce Sponsored a luncheon for 400 folks some of the people affected by harvey and had a short program motivation to try tol encourage them and love on them. Second stop we went to the George R Brown convention center , where we talk to some of the residents about the needs and toured the facility Third stop we traveled to accompany one of lHouston's Best real life Heroes Trae That Truth to serve food to the residents of this complex ! This man delivers supplies that were donated by generous people like you . It was fun unloading the truck and organizing the sizes . Please keep the donations coming! .❤️❤️ Thats Michelle Williams at the beginning of line, serving the chicken , Beyonce on Green beans and me on bread duty. Ingrid over there serving deserts.

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