蘇雋凱 編譯
總結2014年整年度,Google熱搜排行榜出爐,冠軍由西洋天后碧昂絲(Beyonce Knowles)奪下,雖然她婚變傳言不斷,但她地位依舊,仍受全球歌迷愛戴,強勢佔領全球Google排行榜!
據英國《UK mirror》報導,33歲的美國重量級歌手碧昂絲,今年5月時和丈夫傑斯(Jay Z)、妹妹莎蘭芝(Solange Knowles)一同出席紐約時尚派對,但他們搭乘電梯離開時,莎蘭芝卻在電梯裡爆衝,對傑斯拳打腳踢,踢的傑斯無法招架,而妻子碧昂絲站在一旁悶不吭聲,所有過程都被電梯監視器拍下來,影片流出後,婚變傳言甚囂塵上,但碧昂絲也因此登上Google女性熱搜榜榜首。
第二名的是電影《飢餓遊戲》女主角珍妮佛勞倫絲(Jennifer Lawrence),今年9月不幸沾上裸照風波,卻衝上搜尋女榜第二名,第三名的是,女星兼聯合國大使艾瑪華森(Emma Watson)。
Google熱搜男星排行榜第一名則是英國新生代歌手及詞曲創作人「紅髮艾德」(Ed Sheeran);最受關注的年度大事是「伊波拉病毒」,冰桶挑戰、馬航失事、世界杯足球賽的烏拉圭球星蘇亞雷斯因咬人被禁賽、蘇格蘭獨立公投等也擠進Google熱搜榜大事前5名。
●Top females
2.Jennifer Lawrence
3.Katy Perry
4.Ariana Grande
5.Taylor Swift
●Top males
1.Ed Sheeran
2.Jay Z
3.Harry Styles
4.Benedict Cumberbatch
5.David Beckham
Top stories
2.ALS (ice bucket challenge disease charity)
3.Malaysia Airlines
4.Luis Suarez bite
5.Scottish independence
●Trending Celebrity Deaths
1. Robin Williams
2. Joan Rivers
3. Philip Seymour Hoffman
4. Maya Angelou
5. Jan Hooks
6. Harold Ramis
7. Shirley Temple
8. Lauren Bacall
9. Mickey Rooney
10. James Avery
●Trending Celebrities
1. Jennifer Lawrence
2. Kim Kardashian
3. Tracy Morgan
4. Ray Rice
5. Tony Stewart
6. Iggy Azalea
7. Donald Sterling
8. Adrian Peterson
9. Renee Zellweger
10. Jared Leto
●Trending Music Artists
1. Iggy Azalea
2. Lorde
3. Sam Smith
4. Meghan Trainor
5. Solange Knowles
6. Nicki Minaj7. Weird Al
8. Sia
9. Daft Punk
10. Taylor Swift
●Top U.S. Trending Searches
1. Robin Williams
2. World Cup
3. Ebola
4. Malaysia Airlines
5. Flappy Bird
6. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
8. Ferguson
9. "Frozen"
10. Ukraine
●Trending Movies
1. "Frozen"
2. "Interstellar"
3. "Divergent"
4. "Gone Girl"
5. "Lone Survivor"
6. "Godzilla"
7. "22 Jump Street"
8. "Big Hero 6"
9. "Annabelle"
10. "Maleficent"
●Trending TV Shows
1. "Game of Thrones"
2. "No, You Shut Up!"
3. "True Detective"
4. "Orange Is the New Black"
5. "Blood, Sweat & Heels"
6. "The Following"
7. "House of Cards"
8. "Gotham"
9. "South Park"
10. "American Horror Story"
●Trending Movie Trailers
1. "Gone Girl"
2. "Interstellar"
3. "Divergent" trailer
4. "Frozen"
5. "The Lego Movie"
6. "Avengers 2"
7. "Godzilla"
8. "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1"
9. "Annabelle"
10. "Maleficent"
●Trending Actors
1. Jared Leto
2. Matthew McConaughey
3. Macaulay Culkin
4. Chris Pratt
5. Theo James
6. Ansel Elgort
7. Jamie Dornan
8. Alfonso Ribeiro
9. James McAvoy
10. Laurence Fishburne
●Trending Actresses
1. Jennifer Lawrence
2. Renee Zellweger
3. Betty White
4. Ellen Page
5. Kim Novak
6. Margot Robbie
7. Jacqueline Bisset
8. Lena Dunham
9. Melanie Griffith
10. Lea Thompson