
Dpp Campaign Heats Up
2010/09/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Meanwhile, the DPP also held a high profile event in Taichung on Sunday to stir enthusiasm for its candidate, Su Jia-chuan, hoping to ignite a surge in popularity for the challenger in the mayoral race.

The DPP are aiming to increase their publicity in Taichung.

In the morning, there is the market where most of the DPP magistrates across the island are attending to support Su Jia-chuan, who is running for the greater Taichung Metroplitan area.

At the market, Su said that there need to be more markets like this all over Taiwan to promote local produce and foods.

Also, according to the latest poll, the numbers between Su and KMT candidate Hu Chi-chiang are closer than ever, a great moral boost to the DPP.

So in order to strike the iron while its hot, the DPP has moved their campaign to Taichung this time.

In the evening, at Fengyuan Township in Taichung, there is a bigger campaign where most of the head figures of the DPP will be there, such as Tsai Ing-wen, former vice president Annette Lu, former premier Yu Shiy-kun, and Frank Hsieh.

All but Chen Ju, who is busy with the flooding disaster in the south, will not be there.

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關鍵字DPP CAMPAIGN Heats up Su Jia-chuan KMT candidate Hu Chi-chiang Yu Shiy-kun Frank Hsieh
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