
Hu And Su to Debate?
2010/10/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



In Taichung, the DPP candidate Su Chia-chuan challenged Mayor Jason Hu on Thursday to a debate on public policies. And the KMT incumbent responded that he would more than welcome the chance if its in agreement with the ruling party's decision.

DPP candidate Su Chia Chuan of the Taichung City Mayor election has submitted an invitation to a public debate to incumbent Taichung City Mayor, KMT candidate Jason Hu.

Taking the gauntlet as news leader, Su's camp hopes to hear Hu's response within three days and has sent representatives to organize and negotiate event plans for the debate.

Just recently after Hu set up his campaign headquarters, President Ma paid a personal visit to his campaign station and helped promote the candidate.

Su's camp used this time to to deliver his challenge his opponent to a debate over Taichung City's public issues.

The debate is set for the end of October to the beginning of November.

It will be decided later whether the media will be the posing the questions or whether the two caniddates will be personally exchanging questions.

Hu has expressed his willingness to participate in the debate, but everything must be carried out according to guidelines posed by the party's central committee.

In fact, when the two candidates registered to run, they both agreed to switch from their original political forums to a more interactive public debate.

As for whether to include the media in the public debate, both political sides were open to the idea.

However, Hu stresses that the details of the election layout should strictly follow protocols set by the party's central committee.

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關鍵字DPP candidate Su Chia-chuan Taichung Mayor JASON Hu public policies KMT Incumbent Taichung City Mayor election public Issues
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