
Acting Against Animal Cruelty
2010/12/23 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



An animal rights activist is taking extreme measures to prove his point.

To protest against illegal breeding of dogs and cats, the animal lover is putting himself in their shoes, by locking himself in a cage for 4 days.

He is also planning to go on a hunger strike for 100 hours, hoping to bring awareness to the authorities about the cruel act that is ongoing, and to stop the inhumane treatments toward these animals.

Animal rights activist, Huang Tai-shan decided to experience some of the pain of being a dog, as he will lock himself in a dog cage for the next four days.

Also, he will go on a hunger strike for the next 100 hours to experience some of the suffering that dogs feel while on dog breeding farms.

Huang said the government is too insensitive to the plight of dogs while allowing this industry to continue its abuse of animals who cannot speak.

Internet friends are showing videos of Yorkshire Terriers who have been bred continuously giving birth 3 or 4 times requiring many surgeries and scars on the stomach as it is so weak it cannot even drink.

The artist Kuo Yu-ching is tearful and says this treatment is inhumane. Locking himself in this cage, Huang says that this problem is because many people prefer purebred dogs, resulting in this lucrative animal breeding industry. He said the Council of Agriculture has not curbed the practices of this industry, as the public should be more aware of the cruelty behind this practice.

He encouraged more people to adopt instead of simply buying these pure bred dogs to end this business.

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關鍵字Cruelty animal against Acting animal Huang Tai-shan Yorkshire Terriers
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