2018/12/25 10:12

【高雄市長就職】聽嘸? 韓國瑜撂英文 手語老師霧煞煞好尷尬

【高雄市長就職】聽嘸? 韓國瑜撂英文 手語老師霧煞煞好尷尬 | 華視新聞

張原紘 綜合報導  / 高雄市



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Honourable guests.

A year ago, no one believed that I would be standing here today, on this stage with you all. And now, I am honoured to say that we have made the impossible POSSIBLE.

Kaohsiung has come a long way. Things are tough and times can be rough. But through the ups and downs, I see its strength and potential. From the beautiful landscape, to the hardworking, kind-hearted people.

And I see hope. In everyone of your eyes, longing for a better tomorrow. So I would like to thank everyone who has supported me along the way. Without you, none of this would have happened.

Together, we will create more possibles from the impossibles.

Thank you, Kaohsiung. Thank you everyone.




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